For our initial offering in nutritional supplementation, Chakra Nutrients presents: Zinq Immunity. Including selected nutrients that focus on both directed and broad spectrum immune system stimulation and work in sympathy to increase bioavailability, we feel Zinq Immunity is the optimal supplement to prevent intracellular viral replication. The nutrient package prevents viral pathogens from proliferation to the point where they can cause significant illness.*

Works to prevent viral RNA from being replicated in the cell. High intracellular levels of zinc show a direct and inversely proportional correlation to RNA replication in corona viruses.
An amazing immune booster and anti-inflammatory in its own right, quercetin in this aspect plays a crucial role as a zinc ionophore; an element that creates a charge that allows greater amounts of zinc to enter every cell. ​
Vitamin C​​​
​One of the first known, and most ubiquitously used, nutrients; Vitamin C provides broad spectrum immune support, and is critical for the transfer of energy to the mitochondria of the cell. ​Further it assists in maximizing the results of quercetin.
Vitamin D3
Blood serum levels of Vitamin D3 was inversely correlated with mortality during the most recent pandemic, and for viral pathogens in general.
An antimicrobial micro nutrient that also serves as a buffer to the primary ingredient; zinc.​
A small team looking to share products and knowledge that will assist everyone in taking control of their health and wellness.
*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.